Business Drivers for Public Cloud Adaptation
2 min readSep 18, 2022
Thinking that why businesses moved to a public cloud in the first place. The ultimate goal is to deliver agile consumer experience by using the public cloud. That means they need to use public cloud to adapt quickly to meet the needs of their end customers.
Goals :
- Seamless migration and connectivity : When an enterprise make a move to a pubic cloud, it typically either moves their applications to cloud as it is which is called lift and shift or they completely rewrite the applications which is called refactoring. Either way they want this process to be a smooth and seamless as possible. Keep in mind that, often they will need to leverage multiple clouds and will require secure connectivity between those clouds.
- Security and Segmentation : Enterprises need to adhere to various compliance and governance models in order to grow their business. That means having the defense-in-depth or a multi-layer security approach and ability to provide isolation and segmentation to different environments such as business units.
- Application turnaround and uptime : Another key driver for moving into the public cloud is the agility the cloud offers. so quick application turnaround is critical but equally important is application uptime. And for that to happen and for enterprise to meet their Service Level Agreements (SLAs), the network operating centre / security operation centre (NOC / SOC) must be enabled and empowered with a single pane of glass operation.
Key Enablers:
So, how can enterprises be enable to meet their goals.
- Networking : First and foremost, there is a networking. We all know plumbing. An application can be perform only as well as the underline network infrastructure. That infrastructure extends end-to-end. In the public cloud, it covers all directions to a loud, from a cloud, within a cloud and between the cloud. Networking must be able to scale up and scale out across multiple paths at high throughput.
- Security : When security is implemented at all layers, an enterprise will be able to insert advance security services, segmented a traffic in accordance to the policies, provide and-to-end encryption and inspect inbound and outbound traffic and they can do this into reliable and predictable manner.
- Operation and Automation : And finally when an enterprise is able to automate the lifecycle of their infrastructure in a secure manner, they are providable with a repeatable architecture with deep visibility and troubleshooting tools, then they can not only beat their SLAs, but they can also reduce the mean time to resolution.